Friday 13 July 2012

Welcome one Welcome all to  List-Man's Blog..... We prefer to call it the Review.  Now, I am List-man and the Review is a platform for me to share my obsession with the world wide web!!!  Even though, I am a realist and seriously doubt anyone will take an interest, the point is that it is here for all of you to share in, in the slight eventuality that you do.....Now My obsession, My goodness! I was so busy playing the righteous indignation card and I forgot to tell you....


Lists, that's right. Lists are the only currency here, and what do we list?? Well only EVERYTHING! Seriously If Something can be judged within the parameters of a list, I will list it.



  1. realist? or idealist?

  2. No...its not my ideal, I would love to have heaps of traffic to my blog. but I am a realist. If it happens it happens.


Any list suggestions will be welcome!!!!
Also any other thoughts you may have.