Monday 30 July 2012

Top 5 signs that you are an Asswhole!!!!!!!!!! OMG......You're a DICK!!!!!!!

5. You laugh passive aggressively-  Smug laughter, oooh, it grates me!!!! Passive aggressive laughing is when you have a fight with someone, and you are either in a car with them or you are stuck at work or home with them. Then after 20 minutes of awkward silence they laugh.......But not a true guttural laugh, more a forced nasally I am better than you type of laugh. Its like they are saying: "I have been reviewing the situation in my head these last 20 minutes, and I have come to the conclusion that you are very silly. Instead of telling you this I am going to laugh at you to try and undermine you sense of security, and that amuses me.... I fucking hate that, who's with me??

4.  You are a Blagger- What is a Blagger?? Well Braggers are people that boast about their achievements and Blaggers are people who lie about their achievements and then boast about them..... Like a man who comes home from work and blaggs off to his wife about how his boss is an asswhole and how his boss is so scared of him. Meanwhile he probably craps his tighty whities every time the boss walks passed his cubicle. And he probably also falls over himself to complete the most menial of task that is appointed him like a little Bitch-Boy. That is just one example but you get Blaggers in almost every context there is. The main culprits are males, but I have met a few female Blaggers

3. You write a Blog and share your angry little opinions- Not me though...... I fucking rock!!!!! OK shut up.

2. You Drive Motocross-  Now, dont worry. If you like motorbikes or drive motorbikes, this does not include you. I am talking very specifically about the sport of motocross..... They are dicks, not all of them granted, but a good 90% . Everyone I ever knew who did or still does Motocross are all world champion Pricks......My dad, The school bully, The high school bully, My babysitters boyfriend.......I am sensing a pattern here. There is nothing wrong with the sport in itself, it just seems to have a knack for attracting these wannabe alpha male.....Dicks. Girl Motocross drivers are cool, I am fine with them......The sport doesn't seem to affect them in that way.

1. You only play the piano when people are watching- I can tolerate everything else on this list, but this. You know exactly what I mean.....The pathological attention seeker!!! The sort of people that use terms like Pseudo multiculturalist to describe themselves. Or the sort of people at parties that will tap out a lovely concerto and then, just to dismiss any possible idea of them being less than brilliant, will then bring out a guitar and strum a mean solo...And then bring there unfinished sculpture...Those people. There is nothing wrong with being a renaissance person, but dont wait till you have an audience. Anyway, those people......Fuck them!!!!

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