Sunday 22 July 2012

Top 10 Films that brought down IQ's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 The replacements- I wasn't going to include this film on this list because the only reason I hate it is because my dad forces us to watch it almost every week that he is home. So I went back to it, to judge it objectively......Yeah it pretty much still sucks. Jeez where to start? We have a long list to get through so let me give you some quick bullet points...

  • The plot was a Generic box standard sports/underdog movie
  • Keanu Reeves was in it
  • Every romantic scene was predictable
  • I could of been trapped in an elevator bouncing on a trampoline with one end of a broomstick up my bum and the other end dipped in motor oil, and still written a better script on the walls.

9. Spiderman 3- Sadly for me This is not the only Comic book adaptation on this list. Bru what the fuck!!!!!! First of all, let me just point this out. The part at the end where the butler is explaining to the rich pissed off guy that Spiderman did not kill his father. I am sorry, your fired. I spent the whole movie trying to kill Spiderman, who lets not forget was my best friend, then I get half my face blown off. All because I am acting on the presumption that he killed my father.....You have been my butler all this time and have waited till now to tell me? Fuck off! I would of said that, he should of. Spiderman is also suppose to be cool.....Cool. Not fucking jiving down the street like a member of the Bee Gees. I wanted to punch MJ all the time!!! ahhh, you know what, this was a shit film. Lets leave it at that.

8. Rumor has it- This movie was so fucked right from the beginning! The only reason that it is not higher on this list is because the acting wasn't that bad......But you can not polish a turd I am afraid. The story line got so complicated that it was clear that it got away from the director by the end..... A woman who is soon to be married decides to find her real father, upon meeting an older man that she suspects is her real father, she sleeps with him!!! But its all OK because it is soon afterwards revealed that this man cant possibly be her father......She didn't know that at that time when they slept together.... She then finds out that this man was also sleeping with her Grand mother??? Are you still with me? Well don't feel bad if your not because this is where I left the film. Wasn't this woman suppose to be getting married anyway? I am sure that it was never intended to be so weird, but this is what happens when a Director tries to hard to inject a movie full of twists without thinking out a coherent ending.

7. Get rich or die trying- Curtis Jackson(50 cent to you and me) stamps his feet and says 'I want my own film too! Eminem got 8 mile, I want my 8 mile'. I am amusing allot here, I know. In the actual conversation he probably injected more phrases about his bitches and hoes..... With that said rather watch 8 mile, its essentially the same movie, just much better. The not so hidden theme I got all through this film was 50 trying to tell us all how hardcore he is. What do you say to a guy that been shot 9 times? Nothing he has already been told 9 times!!

6. A walk in the clouds- Again we have another Keanu monstrosity! In this one he plays a guy just coming home from the war, who meets a woman on the bus ride home. This woman is upset because she is pregnant and the father pissed off somewhere and her father might kill her for being unmarried and pregnant. Keanu surprise, surprise offers to be her fake husband for the trip..... I am so glad that the directors decided to model the character close to the actors because they must of known that only Keanu Reeves could be stupid enough to fall for a Honey trap like that and be plausible. What? This is not a Romance.....Its a fucking confidence scheme!!! Acting was terrible, script was terrible......The female lead and Keanu had about as much chemistry as a bit of haddock and a blank of wood.

5. Broken Arrow- Could the acting here be more terrible? And I actually like Christian Slater....what happened here??? The plot was a well thought out one. The cast was great, except for the female lead. I suspect she was tacking acting lessons from Keanu. The script was awful, it is like the director opened The big book of Hollywood catch phrases and taglines and directly copied. The cast while I said they were great, I meant great in theory. In reality I think that they were told that they were shooting an infomercial. Oh yeah, on a final note.... Apparently nuclear war heads can be enabled to explode using an easy and convenient key panel on its side.....What a wonderful world Hollywood inhabits.

4. Catwoman- Come on......Comic book movies, you are seriously letting me down!!! DC comics should of sued for this piece of shit. You people must understand that when you venture to adapt anything, whether it be a comic or a book, you will be dealing already with a fan base that expects......Gee I don't know, accuracy maybe? Right off the bat this Film gets it wrong. Its set in New York, not Gotham. Then they proceed to call Catwoman by a totally different name which I forget. Her name is Selina Kyle, There are over 1000 issues of Batman that call her by that name. Speaking of which, were is Batman? There isn't even a mention of him. I do not know how DC comics aloud them to do this. My favorite part was when Halle berry's character has turned into Catwoman and she chows down on some canned tuna! This is a plot device used to make us aware that she has indeed become Catwoman, In case we were in any doubt. The way she gets her powers in the first place is so fucking stupid!......A cat breathes on her......I am not making this up, that's how she becomes Catwoman! Enough said.....

3. Road House- This Film really lowers the IQ.  First of all the story line is a lowest common denominator spaghetti western set in a small town club in 1989. A big club Bouncer is enticed to come and work as a Bouncer at a local club in Missouri....Gee, living the dream hey! Then he discovers that a local J.R( Dallas reference) type Business man has a stranglehold on the town. The towns community eventually turns to the Bouncer to clean up the town......I guess the Police and the FBI were not available. Yeah, that makes sense because If the Police and FBI were unavailable, my first instincts would be to go to my local clubs

2. Con Air- A movie so bad that it is actually really very good. Ahhh, from a generic Plot line to the emotionally manipulative soundtrack, this movie is a barrel of laughs from beginning to end. And again with the Corny Taglines!!!! I wont say any more.....everyone has to watch this movie!!

1. Batman and Robin- Two tears in a Bucket, mother fuck it!!!!! This movie was not only terrible, It was a Genre Killer. This movie was so terrible that all studios afterwards did not touch another comic book for 5 years!!! The plot was about Mr Freeze Trying to Freeze everyone in Gotham city with his Giant Freeze ray that is powered by a huge Diamond.....Because Diamonds are cold???? Then Poison Ivy gets involved somehow.....I don't know, I turned off. The cast.....Fucking awful! Mr Freeze is the most multidimensional villain there is, and they chose such a one layered actor to play him. George Clooney is a good Bruce Wayne  but as batman I thought he was just one of those, Hmm mm I like leather, S&M freaks. A view that was not helped by the rubber nipples on the Bat suit..... I am done, they nearly murdered my hero here.

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