Wednesday 1 August 2012

Top 10 lies that we get told when we get dumped.......Tssss, yeah, I was just commiserating.....I do the dumping.

10.  We have just grown apart- Yeah, grown more towards someone else is what they want to say. Whenever someone says this, 9 times out of ten they have been cheating on you for sometime.....sorry, if your just hearing this. But I am sure you were thinking it.

9. We have nothing in common anymore- People dont change over night...... The translation to this is; You are a boring fuck and your looks or your money doesn't compensate me for that any more.

8. I will call you when my life is more.....settled- Dont hold your breath. By the way, if someone says this to you. It means that you are clingy and needy, stop it. That was your bad. When people give false hopes it generally because they are worried about the emotional stability of the person that they are giving the false hope to.....Its so much more easier than telling them the truth, and then finding out a month later that they have committed suicide over you.

7. You can do better than me- They are breaking up with you because they want a more shall we say..... Adventurous sex life. You see in that statement there is almost an implication that the person is too naughty and bad for a prude like you.

6.  I did not know we were exclusive- They knew, this is a high school line......You were just doing there homework.

5. I am moving- There identical twin is staying though.

4. I am not ready for a commitment- I found out something about you and it freaked me the fuck out.....Thats what that means. The something could be anything from a hangnail to a foot fetish.

3. We can still be friends- This is not so much a lie, but they are omitting a few details.....Like they want to keep you around in case plan A falls though.

2. Its not you its me- Yes, people shockingly enough do say this.......It is totally you.

1. I need space- They never quantify how much space they need, but amazingly enough, it is always the exact length, breadth and volume as you.

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