Wednesday 15 August 2012



Today I feel like throwing the floor open to you guys.  If you have an idea for a List, I wanna hear it! Or if you have no idea.....For heaven sake there is a poll for you to vote. VOTE......People ask me to do these things and then they just leave it...... huh.

Anyhow.......It is your day......go Nucking Futs!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Top 10 Gadgets and other technological breakthroughs that have ever existed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. Toaster- Since the dawn of time technology has been the stage where we as humans battle for the control of fire, I meant that both literately and figuratively.  Now here we have an ultimate expression of our victory.... Can you imagine a world without toast? It would be very hard to imagine. Some people dont know how to cook, but with a toaster, they have a hot meal every night!

9. Pager- They deserve a mention because pagers were huge in their day. They are redundant nowadays, but this was a must have for any 80's high flying Business person......Who of you remembers the numerical text codes?

8. Teabag- Dont poo poo it, tea won Britain the biggest empire in the world. OK, well not tea, It was more the oppression of any local population that were in their way and the exploitation of natural resources........Lets stick with the romantic view though please. For century's tea had to be enjoyed with little annoying bits of tea debris getting between your teeth. Then in 1904 we made the great leap forward......And the design has not nor ever needed to change since. Now if that's not good technology than I dont know what is!

7. Radio- You can talk about Mp3 players or the iPod all you want. It all started with the Radio.

6. MP3- And now I will talk about the Mp3 because it is one of the greatest inventions of the 21 century. Apart from the genius of compressing audio files into a tiny format. Mp3's changed the course of technological history, let me explain. If we did not have the Mp3 we would of never have had Itunes, which means we would of never have had the iPod. Which means that we would of never have had the iPhone, which means that we would of never have had the kindle, which means that we would of never have had the iPad.

5. Nintendo Entertainment System- This gave us so many things. Donkey Kong, Kirby......Mario!!!!!! And finally it gave us all the modern gaming consoles that we have today.

4. iPod- What makes the iPod so dam cool. There were other Mp3 players out there that offered the same basic thing for much less dosh. Is it the sleek design? Or the fact that you can make play lists and download apps? Was it because it was the smallest player out there? What about all the little add ons? It was all of these things coupled with the amazement of it being so dam tiny and offering so dam much.

3. Television- Who would argue against the virtues of TV. An Amish person probably, but that is not my point. TV is were we learnt about sex, it babysat for our parents. It entertained us on weekends and after school. And it was our only friend in high school.......Shut up, dont pity me! And its is still there, ahhhh TV is great!

2. Personal Computer- Having a PC is allot like having a second room. No, its a tangible representation of your own mind. Your photo's(memories) are on there, Private Notes(thoughts), Email(mouth)  and movies or games(imagination). They are all there. If our civilisation was to be studied in the future by some advanced race of people, than those people would go straight for our hard drives.

1. Internet-  There has never been a more perfect invention than the internet. It gave us the power back! everyday people now, if they so wish, can go on the internet and tap up some stupid blog to share there fucked thoughts..... Shopaholics can ruin themselves by purchasing.....just about anything they want. Friends can speak to other friends on two different ends of the world. Some can even find sexual gratification.......Now that is power. The internet is one of those things that you did not know you needed till you started using it.

Friday 10 August 2012

MEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW Listen up

I am having a break this weekend, you see I need to get the creative juices pumping to come up with these golden lists everyday......I did put up a voting poll were people could vote on the next list, but I suppose asking people to interact is to much to ask these days. To date two people have come forward with suggestions and for that I salute you!!!!! you two know who you are...... Anyway, so I need this weekend to think about good topics to List. Dont look at me like that( I say wagging my finger), You brought this on yourselves. If you had just left a few helpful suggestions......Only joking, all of you rock. Because of you I am averaging 100 page views a week, which I think is pretty cool. Pat, pat, pat, pat.........That is your pat on the shoulder people. OK, soooooooooo, I will see you on Monday I suppose.

Top 10 movie soundtracks ever!!!!!

10.  Last of the Mohicans-  A stunning soundtrack indeed and a very strong one to start this list with. I dont have this one on my iPod yet, but just re listening to it makes me want to download it right now.

9. The Social Network- Cool, refreshing and easy, is how I would describe this soundtrack. It sounds weird but it makes you think of the internet.......which made it tie in perfectly with the plot of the movie.

8. Jurassic park- Just recently decided to like this soundtrack. It is a beautiful score that makes you feel like your in the middle of an epic event. Starts off slow than builds steadily to a crescendo.....Love that! Does get repetitive though.

7. Gladiator- A great soundtrack wow! The composers, who I will not reveal for the reason that I do not want to spoil a later list, Really did a wonderful job.....This track takes you straight back to imperial Rome.

6. Waterloo- Another of the truly great transporting soundtracks. Just listening to this track you are made aware that a great gamble is about to take place, and yet it gives you the foresight of knowing that the gamble was not a success.

5.  The island- Odyssey, that's what this movie was about.....and that's what the soundtrack delivered . It was also used in Elizabeth: the golden age.....but only in the trailor

4. Inception- Epic!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this movie, but honestly sometimes I re-watch it just for the soundtrack. It was crazy good. Calm, frantic, soft, loud, soothing and shocking. And amazingly it accomplished all of this a the same time!

3. Indiana Jones- The soundtrack that every frustrated Archaeologist plays in his head while dusting the remnants of a Ming period vase with a toothbrush......Keep the dream burning bright boys and girls!!!!!!

2.  Star wars- Listen how could this not get either number 1 or number 2 spot on my list. This goes back to the golden age of cinema......The minute you heard this theme in the theatre, your pulse starts to race.

1. Lord of the rings- What can I say? In order for a film to be a classic you need a great director, check, a great cast, check, a great script, check, and a great soundtrack........ Double fucking check!!!!!!