Friday, 10 August 2012

Top 10 movie soundtracks ever!!!!!

10.  Last of the Mohicans-  A stunning soundtrack indeed and a very strong one to start this list with. I dont have this one on my iPod yet, but just re listening to it makes me want to download it right now.

9. The Social Network- Cool, refreshing and easy, is how I would describe this soundtrack. It sounds weird but it makes you think of the internet.......which made it tie in perfectly with the plot of the movie.

8. Jurassic park- Just recently decided to like this soundtrack. It is a beautiful score that makes you feel like your in the middle of an epic event. Starts off slow than builds steadily to a crescendo.....Love that! Does get repetitive though.

7. Gladiator- A great soundtrack wow! The composers, who I will not reveal for the reason that I do not want to spoil a later list, Really did a wonderful job.....This track takes you straight back to imperial Rome.

6. Waterloo- Another of the truly great transporting soundtracks. Just listening to this track you are made aware that a great gamble is about to take place, and yet it gives you the foresight of knowing that the gamble was not a success.

5.  The island- Odyssey, that's what this movie was about.....and that's what the soundtrack delivered . It was also used in Elizabeth: the golden age.....but only in the trailor

4. Inception- Epic!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this movie, but honestly sometimes I re-watch it just for the soundtrack. It was crazy good. Calm, frantic, soft, loud, soothing and shocking. And amazingly it accomplished all of this a the same time!

3. Indiana Jones- The soundtrack that every frustrated Archaeologist plays in his head while dusting the remnants of a Ming period vase with a toothbrush......Keep the dream burning bright boys and girls!!!!!!

2.  Star wars- Listen how could this not get either number 1 or number 2 spot on my list. This goes back to the golden age of cinema......The minute you heard this theme in the theatre, your pulse starts to race.

1. Lord of the rings- What can I say? In order for a film to be a classic you need a great director, check, a great cast, check, a great script, check, and a great soundtrack........ Double fucking check!!!!!!

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